Mine entrance.jpg

The Mine

Impulse Response Testing and Field Recording

 Impulse Response Testing

I used a mobile rig that was a laptop running logic and a babyface interface with an earthworks microphone. I popped over twenty balloons in different chambers of the mine. Chambers of the mine varied from very small to very large with high ceilings.

I used a mobile rig that was a laptop running logic and a babyface interface with an earthworks microphone. I popped over twenty balloons in different chambers of the mine. Chambers of the mine varied from very small to very large with high ceilings.

In the fall of 2018, I conducted an impulse response test of various parts of The Adventure Mine in Greenland Michigan. These tests provide me, as the sound designer, the ability to design reverb that is as close to the original acoustics as possible. I also collected different ambiences while working in the mine. It was a wet, rainy day which allowed me to record many drips throughout the chambers and entrance.

If you would like to use my impulses or ambiences in a not-for-profit show or school project, please feel free to contact me or click the download link below. These impulses have not been deconvolved. I have been importing them into either Logic’s Space Designer or Audio Ease’s Altiverb IR processor.

Also, here is a link to an article I wrote about this project for the SoundGirls blog for the month of September 2019!

Click Impulse Response Short to download

Click Impulse Response Long to download